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Late 2009 should see the release of WordPress 2.9. The development never stops, it seems, and we will find that this release is more of a feature release rather than lots of bug and security fixes we’ve been used to for WP 2.8 since its release in June 09. Here’s a brief rundown of some of the highlight features I’ve seen commented on:

Undo with the trash can

One exciting feature is the inclusion of a “Trash can” for your deleted posts / pages. If you’ve ever needed this functionality it’s when you’re blogging down to the wire on some new and ground-breaking post (like always) and you lose it or delete it by accident. Well, this trash can functionality might just save your day next time.

Resize, crop and rotate images

The next exciting feature is image editing right within the admin / dashboard panel of your WordPress site. Granted, it’s not Photoshop but you can make minor adjustments, such as crop, resize and rotate, to uploaded media ready for inclusion in your posts.

jQuery speed improvements

The popular jQuery library is used in WordPress so nearly all sites will benefit from minor improvements that have helped speed up jQuery based scripts.

Image in posts

For theme editors everywhere there will now be a function to insert a thumbnail image into a post without the use of custom fields. A new function called the_post_image() can be embedded in your themes files (within the loop) to have the image included for display.

Repair of tables

For those who shy away from the WordPress tables and / or are not familiar with MySQL there will be an easy way of repairing or just cleaning up the WordPress tables if something goes wrong or is not working as it should. It will still require editing of a core WordPress file but it’s one line and very easy – look out for something like WP_ALLOW_REPAIR.


WordPress Codex


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